Personal list of links and places to visit...hope you enjoy
Internet Radio
- SomaFM
- Radio Garden
- KilRock Radio
- Internet Public Radio
- R/a/dio
- Seoul Community Radio
- Intergalatic FM
- Hot garage kits from Hong Kong (18+)'s a store
- Neat WikiPedia visualizations (for research)
- Habit building/goal settings worksheets based on Atomic Habits book (PDF)
- Programming Motherfucker
- The Art of Computer Programming Books (PDFs)
- Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans (PDF)
- Introduction to Networking: How the Internet Works (PDF)
- Domain-Driven Design Quickly by Abel Avram and Floyd Marinescu (PDF)
Things to check out
- PICO-8 Fantasy Console
- Cross-Device Tracking - An FTC Staff Report - January 2017
- Renegade Academia: The Cybernetic Culture Research Unit
- CCRU Writings 1997-2003
- Urbanomic Media PDF Documents
- The Virus of Hate: Far-Right Terrorism in Cyberspace
- What is the 'cybernetic' in the 'history of cybernetics'?
- Accelerationism: how a fringe philosophy predicted the future we live in